
A 4 and a half month old girl has a fontanelle size that is about as small as a soybean, and her parents are worried, hesitant to self-medicate, and seek professional medical advice.


The size of the girl’s fontanelle is within the normal range based on her condition. It is recommended that parents start introducing new foods to their child. At the top of the baby’s head, there is a diamond-shaped gap known as the fontanelle, which measures approximately 2.5 centimeters by 2.5 centimeters, and can be felt to pulsate when touched. The fontanelle usually closes between the ages of 12 to 18 months. If the fontanelle closes too late, it may be related to conditions such as rickets, cretinism, or hydrocephalus; if it closes too early, it may indicate microcephaly. If the fontanelle is bulging and full, it may indicate increased intracranial pressure, which is common in children with meningitis or hydrocephalus.