
What are effective corrective measures for children’s myopia and amblyopia? My child has been experiencing this condition for some time, and I am hesitant to give him medication. What suggestions do you have?


The following are the best treatment methods for children’s myopia and amblyopia:

  1. Conduct comprehensive examinations of vision, eye position, refractive media, fundus, and fixation characteristics for all children with refractive errors. A few children may require binocular vision and electroretinography tests. The first step is to use computerized refraction to determine the refractive problems of the eyes, followed by accommodative muscle paralysis, refraction, and computerized refraction checks. Approximately 20 days later, corrective glasses will be prescribed based on the examination results.
  2. Use occlusion or suppression therapy to treat monocular amblyopia, which involves covering the healthy eye while leaving the amblyopic eye uncovered. After 8 weeks of comprehensive treatment, gradually reduce the occlusion time of the healthy eye to a ratio of 7:1 or 10:1. Additionally, conduct binocular vision checks once a month and adjust the occlusion time based on changes.