
Children often experience symptoms of fever accompanied by coughing, and this situation has persisted for a while, causing parents to be concerned about the possibility of the condition worsening. Doctor, what might be the reasons for this situation, and could you please provide corresponding suggestions?


Hello, fever in children is usually caused by viral infections such as the common cold due to catching a cold. However, there can be various reasons for fever. When children exhibit symptoms of fever, it is recommended to take them to a pediatrician for a diagnosis so that the doctor can diagnose the cause and treat it accordingly. If the child’s body temperature does not exceed 38 degrees Celsius, you can use warm water or alcohol sponge baths to help cool down, or apply ice packs to areas such as under the armpits, groins, etc. These methods are only symptomatic treatments; the key lies in promptly identifying the cause of the fever and conducting effective treatment.