
My son is just over 7 months old, and he is experiencing pain while swallowing, his voice sounds a bit hoarse, and he still has a persistent fever. What are the dietary taboos for infants with tonsillitis?


When an infant has tonsillitis, in addition to medical treatment, their diet should also be given special attention. Generally speaking, it is recommended to provide the infant with a variety of fruits and vegetables, as these foods are rich in nutrients that can help boost the infant’s immunity and promote the repair of the tonsils. For example, pears have the effects of cooling the body, soothing the throat, resolving phlegm, and relieving pain, which can alleviate throat discomfort caused by acute tonsillitis. Furthermore, the infant’s food should be easy to digest and swallow. Porridge and soft noodles are better choices. When cooking noodles, be sure to cook them until they are very soft to facilitate the infant’s chewing and swallowing. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid giving infants certain foods that may exacerbate symptoms, such as beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood. Lastly, cultivating good dietary habits in infants is also important. Encourage infants not to be picky eaters so that they can ensure they receive a well-rounded nutrition and reduce the incidence of tonsillitis.