
How should leukemia be treated? My child has been like this for some time, and I am hesitant to give them medicine. Could you please give me some advice from a doctor?


Have you been diagnosed? Leukemia is a malignant tumor of the hematopoietic system, also known as “blood cancer,” and is the most common malignant tumor that threatens the health and lives of children and young adults. The causes of leukemia are related to viral infections, ionizing radiation, long-term exposure to certain chemical drugs, and also related to genetic factors. A bone marrow examination is sufficient to confirm the diagnosis. According to surveys, leukemia generally does not have a genetic component, but it cannot be ruled out that there is a certain genetic predisposition, such as when two or more cases of leukemia occur in a family, or when there are reports that the chance of both twins being diagnosed with leukemia is 20%. If conditions are met and there is suitable bone marrow available, then bone marrow transplantation is an option; otherwise, it is just supportive treatment.