
Doctor, the copper and phosphorus levels in my child’s test results are high. Do we need to take medicine? Do we need surgery? What are effective treatment methods?


Copper is an important trace element in the human body, and the copper content in the Chinese body is usually slightly higher. Your child’s copper levels are slightly above the standard, but you don’t need to be overly worried, as this is still quite a distance from the standard for copper poisoning and will not harm the child. Copper exists in the natural environment and can be found in certain tableware, especially copper products like copper hot pots and small spoons, as well as some medications. The intake of calcium and phosphorus must be in a certain proportion. If phosphorus intake is too high, it will form insoluble calcium phosphate that is excreted from the body, leading to calcium loss. Due to issues with food and water sources, the phosphorus intake in China has already exceeded the standard significantly, especially during infancy and early childhood. Phosphorus levels that are too high may lead to a series of serious consequences. It is recommended that