
What is ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn? The child has been experiencing this condition for some time, and parents are very worried, hoping to receive medical advice.


The symptoms of this condition are usually mild and generally do not require early induction. Most newborns do not require special treatment after birth. If jaundice and anemia are severe, blood transfusion and phototherapy may be considered. Newborn ABO hemolytic disease caused by incompatibility between the mother’s and baby’s ABO blood types is known as “newborn ABO hemolytic disease.” More than 90% of affected mothers have blood type O, while their babies have blood type A or B. This incompatibility between the mother’s and baby’s ABO blood types is not uncommon during pregnancy, accounting for about 20%. However, the occurrence of newborn hemolytic disease is relatively rare, with only about 1 in 150 cases, and symptoms are often overlooked.