
My child is a 6-year-old boy. These days, he has been telling me that his ear hurts a bit. Additionally, I’ve noticed that the earwax is purulent and slightly yellow, and he also has a low-grade fever. How should we effectively treat his earache due to otitis media?


In terms of treatment, it is generally recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions and give the child some symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. You can also complement this with some regional treatment methods, such as using anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the main symptom is ear pain, consider giving some painkillers. If the child has a particularly severe fever, then some antipyretics should be used in moderation. In case of severe conditions, such as perforation of the eardrum, immediate medical treatment is required. In addition to these medication treatments, during the treatment period, it is important to maintain good dietary hygiene and ensure sufficient rest time.