
Hello, what are the reasons for a child’s yellowish face? Are there any good treatment methods? Please give me some advice from a doctor.


Children with iron deficiency may exhibit symptoms such as a yellowish or pale complexion, thin and dry hair, poor mental state, and lack of concentration. Iron is an essential component of the human body, especially important for a child’s development. One of its functions is to provide raw materials for the production of red blood cells. Zinc elements can directly inhibit the proliferation of viruses, enhance the immune function of body cells, particularly the function of phagocytizing virus cells. Foods rich in zinc include meats (beef, pork, liver), seafood (oysters, etc.), poultry, egg yolks, peanuts, etc., which should be consumed regularly. In addition, various beans, nuts, and seeds are also good zinc-rich foods that can be chosen from.