
How should one properly supplement calcium for a baby? Are there effective treatment methods? Please provide medical advice.


Generally, calcium supplementation for infants should follow the principle of “supplement as much as needed.” Under normal circumstances, it is recommended to start calcium supplementation from when the baby is six months old, unless there has been a deficiency before that time, in which case supplementation can be delayed. After six months, whether or not the baby shows signs of deficiency, it is advisable to provide a certain amount of calcium supplementation. The most suitable time for calcium supplementation in infants is before bedtime, followed by after lunch and dinner. Parents should grasp the best timing for calcium supplementation and provide high-quality calcium to promote the baby’s healthy growth. If the baby shows signs of premature closure of growth plates, leading to increased height, this may indicate excessive calcium accumulation in the body, and supplementation should be stopped at this point.