
What are the causes of children’s hiccups? Do they need medical treatment? How long will it take to see improvement after treatment?


Children’s hiccups usually indicate an increase in gastrointestinal gas. Possible causes include:

  1. Poor dietary habits, such as drinking soup or water while eating or eating too quickly, which can lead to excessive swallowing of air and cause hiccups.
  2. Possibility of upper gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, reflux gastritis, duodenitis, and duodenal ulcer.
  3. Weakened digestive function, with weakened spleen and stomach function leading to increased gastrointestinal gas and hiccups.
  4. Acute gastritis caused by intestinal viral infections or improper diet. Whether medical treatment is needed depends on the frequency and duration of the hiccups and whether other symptoms are present. If hiccups persist or are accompanied by other discomforts, medical assistance should be sought. Treatment methods may include adjusting dietary habits, medication, or treatment for specific diseases.