
My daughter has had diarrhea for over three months. Does she need to be treated at the hospital? How long will it take for the treatment to improve?


The presence of blood in a child’s stool may indicate inflammation. In addition to taking anti-diarrheal medication, probiotics can be taken to adjust the balance of intestinal flora. At the same time, it is necessary to consider whether there may be a problem with the diet of the breastfeeding mother, and it is recommended that she eat easily digestible, nutritious, and light foods. If the child’s digestive function and stool condition are not good, such as if the stool was previously in a ribbon-like shape but now becomes a runny pasty, this is also a sign of diarrhea. The most common causes of diarrhea in babies are indigestion and enteritis. Generally, the presence of foam in a child’s stool often indicates indigestion; only when the child’s digestive function is poor do food residues increase and ferment in the intestines, causing foam in the stool. It is recommended to seek treatment promptly.