
If a baby develops jaundice, does it require surgery? Is it necessary to go to the hospital for treatment? How long will it take to see improvement after treatment?


The cause of physiological jaundice is usually due to the fact that while in the womb, the baby’s oxygen supply is relatively insufficient, causing the body to produce more red blood cells to accelerate oxygen transport. After birth, with ample oxygen in the air, the body no longer needs as many red blood cells, and excess red blood cells are broken down and release bilirubin. When the concentration of bilirubin in the blood exceeds a certain level, the skin will appear yellowish. Another reason is that bilirubin is metabolized in the liver, and a baby’s liver function is not yet fully mature, so it cannot process the increased bilirubin in a timely manner. For pediatric jaundice, it is first necessary to distinguish its type. It is recommended that infants undergo a liver function test to determine which type of jaundice it is. The treatment method will depend on