
When lead levels are high, which medication should be taken? Do you need to go to the hospital for treatment? How long will it take to see improvement after treatment?


When lead levels are high, it is important to seek advice from a medical professional and follow their prescribed treatment. In addition to medication, changing bad lifestyle or dietary habits can also assist in lead elimination, such as frequently washing hands, regularly cleaning the home, and reducing the intake of lead-containing foods. Lead-containing kitchenware, food containers, paint, dyes, cosmetics, and glazed ceramics should be avoided at home. Furthermore, adjusting the diet structure can also resist the toxic effects of lead. Nutrition experts point out that vegetables and fruits can help eliminate lead because these natural plants are not only rich in basic nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals but also contain a variety of non-nutritive bioactive substances. These substances protect plants from the damage of sunlight.