
Experts, is there a connection between the jaundice condition and breastfeeding? My child has been experiencing this for some time and I hope to receive the doctor’s assistance. Does this condition require hospital treatment, and how long does it usually take to improve?


Breast milk jaundice is related to breastfeeding, referring to the condition where newborns develop jaundice after breastfeeding. Typically, there are no other systemic symptoms, and it is more common in full-term infants. If diagnosed with breast milk jaundice by a doctor, breastfeeding can be temporarily suspended, and feeding can usually be resumed after 48 hours. Newborns may experience temporary jaundice 72 hours after birth, which is due to the unique characteristics of bilirubin metabolism in newborns and is a normal physiological phenomenon. This type of temporary jaundice in newborns usually does not require treatment and can be appropriately supplemented with glucose water.