
Does medication during pregnancy affect the fetus? Do I need to go to the hospital for treatment? How long will it take to recover? Please help me!


Medication during pregnancy has always been a topic of great concern, with many expectant mothers worrying about potential adverse effects on the fetus and often choosing to endure pain without taking medication. However, when faced with diseases during pregnancy, one should not take extreme measures. In recent years, there have been many reports that some pregnant women are afraid to take medication or are skeptical about the prescriptions given by doctors, leading to not picking up the medication and suffering through their illness, which can severely affect the health of the fetus. In fact, during the first three months of pregnancy, the fetus is in the stage of organ differentiation, development, and formation; after three months, except for the reproductive organs and the central nervous system which continue to develop, most organs have already formed. Therefore, it is a wise choice to avoid using medication as much as possible during the first three months of pregnancy. If you do need medication for treatment, please consult a doctor and follow their instructions. The duration of treatment varies depending on the condition and needs to be determined based on the specific situation.