
My child is an 8-year-old boy. Recently, he said his ear hurt, and there was a lot of yellow earwax. Additionally, he had a slight fever. How should I treat his ear infection with yellow fluid in the ear for effective results?


The treatment should be based on the child’s symptoms and include symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. Regional drug treatment can be considered, and anti-inflammatory ear drops can be used for medical treatment. If the child’s main symptom is ear pain, parents can give appropriate painkillers to relieve the pain. If accompanied by a high fever, medication should be used according to the child’s symptoms. In severe cases, it is recommended to seek medical treatment at a hospital as soon as possible. If the child develops a perforated eardrum, it is suggested to undergo surgery at a hospital promptly. During the treatment period, it is also important to maintain good dietary hygiene and ensure enough rest time.