
Parents are commonly concerned about the potential for fatal consequences if a child accidentally ingests mercury from a thermometer, within a few days?


In normal circumstances, mercury is hardly absorbed in a healthy gastrointestinal tract and is gradually excreted out of the body through feces. Therefore, mere ingestion of mercury usually does not lead to death in children. Even in cases where there is damage to the gastrointestinal tract, the most likely outcome is no problem at all. Metal mercury is not absorbed in the digestive tract with intact mucosa and is excreted out with feces. Only when there are mucosal lesions such as ulcers might it be absorbed into the bloodstream, thus affecting the body. It is recommended to conduct a blood mercury content test after confirming that the mercury has been excreted from the body. For children who have ingested mercury, it is suggested to be hospitalized for observation to ensure their safety.