
Can a 2-year-old baby have ADHD? He seems too hyperactive, and I’m worried it might affect his development. What treatment is needed?


One characteristic of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the presence of multiple attention deficits. It requires screening with an attention scale. The best treatment for ADHD involves psychological behavioral therapy for children. It often manifests as continuous movement of hands and feet, difficulty sitting still, turning around frequently. Playing quietly. Talking a lot, rambling on, easily frustrated, quick to anger, willing to get angry. Often forcing others to play with him, not focused, not attentive to details, careless in doing things, losing everything, often making mistakes. Easily distracted by the outside world, often forgetful. Generally speaking, intelligence is normal, but learning difficulties, poor memory and discrimination ability. Some children may also have moral issues, such as swearing at others or damaging items.