
If a child is found to be deficient in calcium and starts taking glucose calcium and zinc supplements, how long does it usually take to achieve the supplement effect?


Zinc is an essential trace element for the body, playing a crucial role in delaying aging, promoting growth and development, and even preventing certain diseases such as tumors, congenital malformations, and rheumatism. Generally, the body can absorb about 10-15 milligrams of zinc daily from everyday diet, with an absorption rate of approximately 20%-30%. Zinc content in plant-based foods is relatively low and not highly absorbable; conversely, animal-based foods such as liver, fish, lean meat, and breast milk are rich in zinc and easy to absorb. As for glucose calcium and zinc supplements, the time for their supplement effects can vary from person to person. It is recommended to continue taking them under a doctor’s guidance and to maintain a balanced diet to ensure adequate intake of zinc and other nutrients.