
Dear doctor, I found several pieces of jello in my home that have been expired for a year. Can they be eaten? Will eating them harm my health?


If the appearance, color, and taste of the jello have not changed, the risk of eating it is relatively low. Although the food has exceeded its shelf life, as long as its properties have not changed, there is usually no major issue. However, if the jello has shown signs of spoilage, it is not recommended to consume it to avoid potential poisoning reactions. Communicate with your family to weigh the pros and cons, as health is of utmost importance. In theory, expired food, especially food that has been expired for a long time, should not be eaten as it may have adverse effects on the body. Although elders may be reluctant to waste food due to thriftiness, expired food that has been past its prime should indeed not be consumed to avoid harm to health.