
How to effectively supplement calcium for babies?


Hello! If your baby is experiencing calcium deficiency, here are some suggestions. If the deficiency is not severe, food supplementation can be attempted. For babies under six months, if breastfed, the mother should consume more calcium-rich foods such as beef, mutton, seafood, and other marine products. If formula-fed, you can choose formula with higher calcium content. For babies over six months old, who can now have complementary foods, you can directly give them calcium-rich foods, but pay attention to the texture of the complementary foods. For babies with severe calcium deficiency, consider oral calcium supplements and take them with cod liver oil. Additionally, make sure to let your baby get plenty of sunlight daily, ideally two hours, as this helps promote calcium absorption in babies. I hope this information is helpful to you! Feel free to consult at any time if you have any questions.