Children may exhibit leg clenching syndrome, a habitual maladaptive behavior characterized by continuous friction of the perineal area. Is there a medication treatment method for this symptom?
Leg clenching syndrome is a common behavior seen in 1 to 3-year-old girls, characterized by leg clenching and friction of the perineal area, usually occurring a few times a day, and in severe cases, multiple times a day. The causes may include:
- Local irritation: Such as pinworm infection, wet diapers, or tight clothing causing discomfort in the perineal area, leading to friction behavior.
- Psychological factors: Family environment tension, lack of affection, discrimination, or unmet emotional needs, or lack of toys, may lead children to seek relief through self-stimulation.
- Other reasons: Older children may be influenced by bad visual books and magazines, leading to imitative behavior. Treatment for leg clenching syndrome should first focus on