
Dear Doctor, regarding the addition of ordinary sugar to baby’s sweet water when drinking it, is the high sugar content of brown sugar and white sugar suitable for infants?


It is recommended to choose dedicated glucose for infants. Ordinary brown sugar and white sugar have high sugar content, which is not easily absorbed by babies. Brown sugar has too much heat, while white sugar is too cooling. There are glucose series specifically formulated for Chinese babies on the market, such as “Bayi Mei” glucose, which is specially added with DHA and is easy to absorb directly, quickly replenishing energy. This series includes single glucose, as well as options for calcium, iron, and zinc supplementation. The price is about 8 yuan per bag, enough for about two months of consumption. These products are available in large supermarkets, baby specialty stores, or maternity and infant life stores. (When diluting baby glucose, use warm water.) Wishing your baby a healthy growth.