
How can medical examinations be used to determine if a newborn is suffering from suffocation?


The diagnosis of newborn suffocation can be conducted through various medical examinations. Chest X-rays may show blurred edges and irregularly sized patchy shadows, sometimes accompanied by partial or complete atelectasis, focal emphysema, changes similar to pneumonia, and pleural effusion. Electrocardiogram readings may present with prolonged P-R intervals, widened QRS complexes, decreased amplitudes, elevated T waves, and descending ST segments. Cranial ultrasounds or CT scans can reveal the specific location and extent of intracranial hemorrhage. Additionally, amniocentesis can be used to assess the condition of a fetus experiencing intrauterine hypoxia by observing the degree of meconium contamination in the amniotic fluid, or by collecting fetal scalp blood for blood gas analysis when the fetus’s head is exposed at the cervix to estimate the degree of intrauterine hypoxia.