
Doctor, can you please explain what pigeon chest is and whether it can be improved through treatment?


Pigeon chest, a type of chest deformity, may prompt some children with mild symptoms to seek medical assistance due to psychological or cosmetic concerns. For cases with minor deformities, surgical treatment is usually recommended. Early surgery is more effective, with correction possible as early as 3 to 4 years old. The surgical principles include: cutting the attachment between the diaphragm and the sternum, and the xiphoid process; freeing the sternum and the back of the ribs; cutting all connections between the sunken ribs, cartilage, and sternum, with elongated ones undergoing wedge resection; transversely cutting at the junction of the sternal manubrium and body, and performing inversion fixation. The pedicle method of surgery can maintain the normal blood supply of the sternum, ensuring its normal development and growth.