
Doctor, hello. The neck tension of the newborn is a bit high now. What are the causes of elevated neck tension in newborns?


Newborns often undergo heel prick blood tests to detect genetic or hereditary diseases. The criteria for an abnormal increase in 17-α-hydroxyprogesterone concentration are: full-term infants >2.7 μg/dL, >30 nmol/L; 1.5-2.7 μg/dL, >40 nmol/L; <1.5 μg/dL, >50 nmol/L are positive. If the screening results are positive, it suggests the possibility of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. However, there may be false-positive results (affected by blood collection within 24 hours after birth, low birth weight or preterm birth, other diseases, etc.), so diagnosis cannot be made solely based on screening results and further review is needed.