
A newborn baby born 23 days ago has been crying repeatedly during feeding sessions. What could be the causes of this situation?


When a baby cries during breastfeeding, the mother should be attentive to the following possible causes and take appropriate care measures:

  1. Oral Inflammation: The baby may be experiencing pain due to internal oral discomfort, such as thrush.
  2. Nasal Congestion: Blocked nostrils can affect the baby’s breathing, leading to discomfort during feeding.
  3. Not Hungry: The baby might not be feeling hungry, resulting in resistance to breastfeeding.
  4. Improper Feeding Position: An incorrect feeding position may cause discomfort for the baby.
  5. Baby Discomfort: Conditions like bloating can also trigger crying. If the baby is crying due to bloating, try lying the baby flat and gently massaging their abdomen in a clockwise direction. This can help relieve bloating and shift the baby’s attention.