
My son is eight years old and has a sore throat, and his cough seems more severe. He also has a low-grade fever. What are the reasonable dietary recommendations when a child has tonsillitis?


Children’s tonsils are prone to inflammation, and once it occurs, it should be checked and treated promptly. Here are some dietary recommendations:

  • Focus on vegetables and fruits, which should be light, non-irritating, and rich in nutrients to boost immunity. Examples include pears, kiwis, and tangerines, which also have a cooling and detoxifying effect.
  • Maintain a light, easy-to-digest diet that is easy to swallow, such as congee or noodles.
  • Drink plenty of plain water.
  • Avoid eating foods that may cause inflammation, such as beef, mutton, and dog meat. Seafood should also be eaten sparingly or not at all.
  • Help your child develop good living habits, maintain regular sleep schedules, engage in moderate exercise, and boost immunity to reduce the incidence of illness.