
A 13-year-old boy, in elementary school, has been experiencing some ear pain this week. He also has yellow earwax and is suffering from headaches and fever. What should be done if a child has otitis media with yellow fluid in the ear?


In the treatment of pediatric otitis media, antibiotics are primarily used, with appropriate medications chosen based on the child’s symptoms, which have shown good effects. Additionally, regional treatments such as anti-inflammatory ear drops can be administered. If the child’s main symptom is ear pain, it is recommended to use a moderate amount of pain relievers to alleviate the pain. If accompanied by high fever, medication should be used according to the symptoms, and immediate medical attention should be sought in severe cases. If an eardrum perforation occurs, it is advisable to undergo surgery early on. During the treatment period, it is important to supplement nutrition, eat a light diet, and ensure adequate rest to avoid fatigue.