
I have been re-vaccinated for Hepatitis B, and the doctor said that 5%-10% of the booster shots do not produce antibodies. What are the prevention methods if the baby does not produce antibodies?


Generally, if the mother has Hepatitis B, the best method of prevention is cesarean section, and she should not breastfeed. If breastfeeding, it’s uncertain; it’s best to have a test. Now, tests can determine this. During pregnancy months 7, 8, and 9, the mother should receive Hepatitis B immune globulin injections. Within 24 hours of birth, a dose of Hepatitis B immune globulin should be administered, followed by vaccinations at 0, 1, and 6 months. Formula feeding is recommended. With these measures in place, there is a 90%+ chance of preventing transmission. Have the baby tested for Hepatitis B quantitative triplex to check for infection.