
Dear doctor, I have a 5-year-old child who has never drunk formula or milk since he was a baby. What could be the reason for this situation?


  1. Gradually accustom the child to new flavors. Initially, you can offer them some vegetable soup or juice to pique their interest. You can dilute adult soup 2-3 times and serve it at a temperature close to body temperature, before they start eating breast milk. Juice can be fed directly or mixed with formula and then consumed. (2) Gradually increase the quantity and variety of baby food. When introducing new foods, do so sequentially and start with small amounts, without rushing to avoid any setbacks. After the child is 4 months old, egg yolk can be introduced. Begin with 1/4 of an egg yolk, and if their appetite and digestion are normal after a week, you can increase it to half an egg. Then, gradually increase to a whole egg yolk.