
The child previously had a feverish cold and received nebulization treatment. Two days later, the child started sweating again and kept coughing at night and during naptime during the day. The appetite is not good. How can one effectively clear the lungs?


Your child’s condition may be due to respiratory tract infection or pharyngitis. It is recommended to go to the hospital for blood routine tests, blood sedimentation, and X-ray examination for a detailed diagnosis. Guidance: Consider taking oral amoxicillin granules, Qingre Qingfei Liuxue oral liquid, Lianhua Qingwen granules, or traditional Chinese medicine treatments such as honeysuckle, Platycodon grandiflorus, Liquorice root, and dried tangerine peel. The roots of grass and ophiopogon, motherwort, and peaches should be decocted in sufficient water with slow heat into a medicine soup for consumption in divided doses. Continue treatment as needed. It is important to avoid spicy and hard foods as pediatric cough can have a significant impact on patients. If any symptoms are detected, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly and pay close attention to diet, focusing on light and easy-to-digest foods as a foundation, hoping that children with cough can receive professional treatment.