
My child is already eight years old, but they are still very active and restless. I’m quite worried. What are the recommended treatment methods for ADHD in general?


Behavioral Therapy: This primarily involves specialized training for ADHD children to adopt appropriate worldviews, stabilize their attention, and eliminate distractions; followed by specific training programs to increase their physical activity and correct poor behavior. It also aims to cultivate children’s self-control abilities. Fried and crispy foods are easy to damage the Yin and generate internal heat, while instant noodles containing additives and preservatives can impair brain function. Rich, sweet, and greasy foods can lead to the production of phlegm and turbidity, and extremely cold foods can damage the spleen and stomach, leading to improper digestion. All of these are detrimental to the condition, so they should be avoided. In addition to treating ADHD, it is recommended that patients pay attention to their diet in daily life and always maintain a cheerful mood to enhance their physical condition and slow down the recovery process.