
A six-month-old baby is experiencing diarrhea symptoms. The parents have already tried using Montmorency cherries, probiotics, and antibiotics, and have switched to anti-diarrheal formula milk, but the baby is now vomiting, and the stool has become hard and dry, making it difficult to transition back to normal formula milk. How should this situation be handled?


Based on the described situation, the baby’s diarrhea may be related to dietary or cold factors, and the condition appears relatively simple. Firstly, it is recommended to immediately stop using the anti-diarrheal formula milk and avoid parents self-medicating; treatment should be followed under medical guidance. If the condition is singular, consider trying acupuncture treatment. For severe diarrhea in infants, immediate symptomatic treatment should be administered with appropriate medication to prevent recurrence. Additionally, parents should pay attention to the baby’s dietary and psychological care to achieve the best treatment outcomes.