
When teaching a child, how do you handle the situation where they don’t understand or can’t perform tasks, and you suspect they might have intellectual disability? What are the symptoms, and can intellectual disability be cured?


Intellectual disability generally has two main causes. The first is chromosomal or genetic abnormalities in the baby itself, which may lead to certain functional defects or developmental delays. The second is that there may have been abnormal growth and development during pregnancy, or exposure to certain industrial pollutants and other external factors, which may result in incomplete development of the baby’s organs or other parts. Even if the baby is normal at birth, improper postnatal care, colds, fever, and other factors may also have an impact on intellectual development. Regardless of the cause, it is important to spend more time with the baby and engage in communication. Don’t assume that everything is beyond change due to intellectual disability; there are always methods that can help the baby make progress.