
My child cannot understand no matter how I teach them, and it seems like they have a delayed intellectual development. What are the common distinctive signs of intellectual disability?


Children with intellectual disability may exhibit clumsy movements, such as not liking to play with their hands within 3 to 5 months after birth, or not being able to play with their hands even after 6 months, or still putting toys in their mouth by the age of 2 to 3. Their movements may appear immature, and their feet may kick around aimlessly after learning to walk, making it difficult for adults to understand their intentions. However, it is important to note that these symptoms do not necessarily indicate intellectual disability; a comprehensive analysis should be conducted, and a hospital visit for an intelligence test may be necessary if needed. I hope this information is helpful, and I wish the child a speedy recovery. For the treatment of intellectual disability, timely symptomatic treatment and rational medication should be used to avoid the deterioration of the condition.