
Recently, a 4-year-old child has been experiencing nighttime vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea the next day. The parents have noticed that the child is continuously crying and has frequent diarrhea. What should be done to treat these symptoms?


For a 4-year-old child with vomiting and diarrhea, it is recommended to seek immediate medical attention for routine blood and stool tests, and if necessary, perform stool culture for diagnosis. Treatment measures include taking oral ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts), Montmorillonite powder, and a triple-strain probiotic granule. If diagnosed with an infection, antibiotic treatment can be administered, but it should be avoided simultaneously with the triple-strain probiotic granule. Dietarily, it is suggested to adopt a liquid diet and, if necessary, undergo intravenous fluid therapy to prevent electrolyte imbalance. Additionally, during the treatment period, parents should pay attention to their child’s diet and hydration status.