
A baby of half a month old is experiencing snoring, which sometimes occurs and sometimes does not. After a medical examination, the lung auscultation results are normal, and the doctor advises to continue observation and conduct a detailed examination after the baby grows older. Parents want to know what the possible causes of this situation are?


According to the description, this condition may be caused by adenoid hypertrophy. It is recommended to visit the otorhinolaryngology department of the hospital for examination. For now, observation can be maintained; if symptoms have not subsided by the age of eight, surgical treatment can be considered. It is advisable to stay well-hydrated and reduce the intake of spicy and irritating foods. Additionally, in the process of treating snoring, in addition to symptomatic treatment, the patient’s dietary condition and mental state are also very important. It is best to avoid excessive stress and worry, as this may have an unnecessary impact on the recovery of snoring.