
My baby was born 5 days ago, with a face score of 25 and body score of 15 in the morning, and 27 on the face and 19 on the body at noon. The baby didn’t cry much when born, slept a lot, fell asleep after playing for a while, could eat, defecate, and urinate. There were no seizures during this period. When sleeping in the afternoon, the arms and hands would move as if startled. Does breast milk for newborn jaundice contain cytomegalovirus?


It’s best to confirm this with a blood test. It’s advisable to keep your mood relaxed, maintain a regular lifestyle, and engage in moderate exercise to ensure deep sleep, which is beneficial for your health! In reality, newborn jaundice is not horrible (scary), patients should believe they can overcome the disease. As long as treatment is timely upon early detection, there is a high chance of alleviating the condition and recovery.