
Children often exhibit restless behavior, finding it difficult to stay still, and are diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by doctors. How should this condition be effectively treated?


The treatment of ADHD requires collaboration between families and schools, educational guidance for the child, and appropriate medication treatment; both are indispensable. It is important to show concern for the child and boost their confidence in the effectiveness of treatment. Moreover, timely treatment is crucial for preventing social problems in adulthood, as untreated hyperactive patients may have poor self-control, a lack of guilt, and a preference for comfort and enjoyment, leading to higher crime rates and possibly becoming repeat offenders. This poses a threat to social stability and the safety of people’s lives and property. Therefore, in addition to timely treatment, patients should also maintain a good attitude in life, which is very helpful for complete recovery from the disease.