
My newborn is one month old, and on the fourth day, the doctor diagnosed the jaundice index as above 14. After taking Budelia granules for three to five days, the jaundice symptoms subsided and the medication was stopped. Should intravenous immunoglobulin be used for treatment in the case of newborns with elevated jaundice levels?


If the mother does not have hepatitis B or other hepatitis diseases, newborns with simply elevated jaundice levels do not necessarily need to be treated with immunoglobulin (i.e., intravenous immunoglobulin). It is recommended to give the newborn Budelia oral liquid or undergo blue light therapy. There are various treatment methods for newborn jaundice, but due to different patient conditions, the diagnostic and treatment methods adopted also vary. Therefore, patients should receive timely examinations and diagnoses to facilitate symptomatic treatment.