
After one month of birth, on the fourth day, the doctor diagnosed the jaundice index as 14. After taking Silibinin Granules for several days, the jaundice subsided and the medication was stopped. What should be the normal range for neonatal jaundice?


The normal range for neonatal jaundice is typically below 6.0 mg/dl. The value of 120 you mentioned is in mool/l, while 0.58 and 0.44 are in mg/dl, both of which are within the normal range. It is important to note that the values you see should be 5.8 and 4.4, not 0.58 and 0.44. If the neonatal jaundice index exceeds the normal range, it is recommended to seek medical attention immediately and follow the doctor’s treatment advice, avoiding self-administration of advertised medications to prevent worsening of the condition. These suggestions are for reference only. I hope this answer is helpful to you.