
The newborn with jaundice has been hospitalized for two days, and the total bilirubin level has reached 370. The doctor recommended albumin infusion. What are the medical considerations behind this?


In cases of newborn jaundice, if the serum bilirubin level is below 342, it may lead to liposoluble unconjugated bilirubin crossing the blood-brain barrier, increasing the risk of nuclear jaundice. Therefore, albumin infusion can reduce the concentration of free bilirubin in the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of nuclear jaundice. Typically, while undergoing blue light therapy, intravenous fluids are also administered to promote bilirubin metabolism. In addition to regular treatment, newborns with jaundice can also use dietary adjustments as an auxiliary treatment. In daily life, they should avoid overeating or under-eating and should not binge eat.