
A five-year-old child with intellectual disability struggles to speak clearly. How should it be treated?


Based on your description, your child’s condition may not be excluded as neurodevelopmental delay, leading to intellectual disability, which could be related to injuries, encephalitis, epilepsy seizures, etc. Some cases may not have a specific cause and might be due to chromosomal issues. It is advisable to bring your child to a regular hospital’s pediatric neurology department for a follow-up consultation as soon as possible. Conduct an intelligence test and IQ measurement, as well as a detailed chromosomal examination to confirm the diagnosis. Timely treatment can be recommended, including early rehabilitation training. A customized training program should be formulated based on the child’s condition. Patience and care are essential. In fact, intellectual disability is not horrible at all; patients should believe that they can conquer the disease. As long as timely treatment is provided when the condition is discovered early, the chances of alleviating the condition and recovery are very high.