
Can acupuncture treatment be effective starting on the third day after the onset of facial palsy? There is a case where the patient underwent three days of acupuncture treatment on the fifth day of the illness, but there was no significant improvement. In addition, the patient tried using yellow eel blood for facial compresses at home.


The main effects of acupuncture treatment include relaxing meridians, promoting blood circulation, and removing blood stasis, which are effective for conditions such as lumbago, cervical spondylosis, and knee arthritis caused by blocked Qi and blood. During the treatment process, consider combining it with infrared ray therapy, which has the effect of warming meridians and dispelling coldness. Each session should be about 15 minutes; if the pain is severe, it can be done twice a day. If the condition is mild, one session per day is sufficient. During treatment, avoid eating cold and spicy, greasy foods. For pediatric patients, it is recommended to seek medical attention immediately and follow the professional advice of the doctor to avoid self-changing medications, which may affect the treatment outcome.