
A two-year-old child has a height below that of their peers, although they have normal weight. They have a smaller appetite and are thin. What tests should be conducted to evaluate their growth condition?


The average height range for a two-year-old is approximately 83 to 100 centimeters. If a child’s height is at the lower end of this normal range, parents are advised to ensure their child has a balanced diet, avoid fussy eating, and increase the intake of calcium-rich foods. At the same time, encourage moderate sun exposure to promote calcium absorption. If there are concerns about the child’s growth and development, it is recommended to consult the endocrinology department of a hospital and consider undergoing pituitary function tests. For children with severely insufficient height, it is suggested to seek medical attention promptly and undergo appropriate treatment according to the doctor’s advice, avoiding the use of unproven medications or methods on one’s own, as this may affect the child’s health. The above suggestions are for reference only.