
Recently, my child was diagnosed with dwarfism after a thorough check-up. We have been checking for a while and have also supplemented with calcium. What should we do if a child is diagnosed with dwarfism?


I’m glad to provide you with an answer. In your medical description, your baby is now 6 years old and has been diagnosed with dwarfism. For the treatment of dwarfism, it is first necessary to conduct further detailed examinations to determine the cause of the dwarfism. There are many possible causes of dwarfism, such as increased or insufficient growth hormone secretion, or secondary causes such as intracranial tumors, infections, cell infiltration, and head trauma. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will develop an appropriate treatment plan. Common treatment methods include growth hormone therapy and surgical treatment. The specific treatment plan needs to be determined according to the child’s specific condition, so please consult a professional doctor for further diagnosis and treatment.