
The child had tonsillitis on December 27, 2010, and received four days of intravenous fluid therapy, followed by two days of amoxicillin. However, there was still pus exuding from the right tonsil. Previous treatment methods included intravenous fluid therapy and oral antibiotics. Can children with tonsillitis take Prednisone?


Tonsillitis is mainly caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, but it may also be caused by Staphylococcus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, or adenovirus. The main treatment methods are antibiotics and symptomatic treatment. Patients should consume soft or semi-liquid, nutritious, light and easy-to-digest foods, and drink plenty of water, avoiding irritating foods. Gargling with saltwater after meals can help alleviate symptoms. Prednisone is a hormone medication that can control allergic reactions by lowering immunity. Considering the significant impact of tonsillitis on children, it is recommended that parents take their child to a specialized hospital for a consultation and receive treatment under the guidance of a doctor. In addition, giving the child some juice regularly can help supplement vitamins and prevent gastrointestinal discomfort. We hope the child can recover quickly.