
It’s normal for a child to occasionally wet the bed after the age of 3, isn’t it? What is this condition medically called, and how can bedwetting in children be treated?


Medically speaking, the occasional bedwetting that occurs after the age of 3 is referred to as physiological bedwetting. Most children stop wetting the bed at night by the age of 5. If a child continues to wet the bed at night after the age of 5 and does so two or more times a month, this is medically termed “nocturnal enuresis.” The primary recommendation for treating pediatric bedwetting is to carefully check for the possibility of a hidden spinal bifida. Additionally, it’s important not to overexert during the day, as this can cause deeper sleep and thus an increased likelihood of bedwetting. It’s also crucial to avoid drinking too much fluid before bedtime. To increase nighttime urine output, it’s suggested to use an alarm clock to remind the child to urinate on a schedule.